Issue 649 – Federal Branches

Praying for Our Leaders in Government

Executive Branch: Pray for the President and his Administration

The U.S. Treasury Department has updated banking regulations for Cuban nationals. Since the government of Cuba began to allow private enterprise in 2021, President Biden’s administration has eased sanctions to encourage small business and head off potential partnerships between Cuba and Russia or China.

Pray for President Biden, Secretary Yellen, and U.S. advisors as they evaluate options to prevent Cuba from reaching out to U.S. adversaries for economic support.

Legislative Branch: Pray for Senators and Representatives in Congress

The House of Representatives passed a bill this month that would exclude illegal immigrants from congressional apportionment and redistricting. The Equal Representation Act would add a citizenship question to the census. Representative Chuck Edwards stated, “Including the count of non-US citizens in determining how many congressional seats and electoral votes each state has is skewing the representation of Americans in their federal government.”

Pray for members of the House and Senate as they assess the needs of the United States.


The Congressional Taiwan Caucus, co-chaired by Representative Andy Barr of Kentucky, pledged support to Taiwan after China’s most recent drills which surrounded the self-governing island after President Lai Ching-te’s inauguration. An American delegation visited Taiwan to show the U.S. support militarily, diplomatically, and economically. Congressman Barr said, “There should be no doubt, there should be no skepticism in the United States, Taiwan or anywhere in the world, of American resolve to maintain the status quo and peace in the Taiwan Strait.”

Pray for the chairs and members of committees and caucuses to receive God’s direction and wisdom.

Judicial Branch: Pray for Supreme Court Justices and Federal Judges

The Supreme Court declined a request to consider whether the U.S. Constitution guarantees the right to a 12-person jury in trials for a felony. A person who was convicted by a six-person jury in Florida had raised the issue. A state court had maintained that the high court decided in 1970 that “six-person juries were constitutionally permissible.” Justice Neil Gorsuch dissented from the denial of review.

Pray for the Supreme Court justices to be led by the Lord in the opinions and decisions they make.

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