CDC Recommends State Continue Bird Flu Testing

Hundreds of dairy cows have been identified with the H5N1 infection.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended that state governments continue testing influenza strains because of a rare bird flu strain found in dairy cows and one person. Typically, flu cases peak in winter and decrease during the summer. During this time, public health facilities test samples from each flu case to keep track of which flu strains are most prevalent that season.

However, after a recent outbreak of H5N1 bird flu spread to dairy cows, a Texas resident contracted that strain after contact with the cows and suffered conjunctivitis as a result. To address this, CDC Principal Deputy Director Nirav Shah met with state health officials this week, requesting that local clinical laboratories “increase submissions of positive influenza virus samples to public health laboratories for subtyping.”

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For CDC officials as they track H5N1 and provide recommendations to states regarding testing.
  • For Director Amanda Cohen to receive God’s guidance as she heads the CDC.

Sources: Reuters, Newsweek


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