DARPA Selects Aurora to Design Heavy Cargo Seaplane

The agency contracts with the company on its ambitious production goal.

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is moving ahead with its program to develop the Liberty Lifter Seaplane Wing-in-Ground Effect. The demonstrator aircraft is slated to land somewhere between the size and capacity of the C-17 Globemaster and the C-130 Hercules. The plane will be able to take off and land in rough sea waters.

DARPA program manager Christopher Kent announced the $8.3 million contract with Aurora Flight Sciences this month, stating that the Virginia-based Boeing subsidiary was “meeting our aggressive schedule and technical goals.” A preliminary design review is expected to be complete by early 2025, with the first flight demonstration planned for late 2027 or early 2028.

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For wisdom for Program Manager Kent as he oversees the Office of Tactical Technology.
  • For Secretary Austin and the Joint Chiefs of Staff as they advise the president on the U.S. military and national defense.

Sources: Defense News, DARPA.mil


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