Senate Passes FAA Bill on Air Safety and Customer Service

The bill would also increase the number of air traffic controllers.

The Senate passed a bill to improve air travel safety and boost the number of air traffic controllers. The measure also facilitates customers’ receiving refunds for airfare when flights are delayed or canceled.

Amendments to the legislation delayed its passage, so the bill now awaits the legislators’ return to the House of Representatives next week. The Senate also took up a one-week extension to existing authorizations, passed by the House before its recess, to ensure the Federal Aviation Administration would not have to furlough 3,600 employees.

Senator Maria Cantwell of Washington, chair of the Commerce Committee, stated, ”Our bipartisan legislation sets clear priorities to strengthen aviation safety standards, implement new safety technology, hire more Air Traffic Controllers and safety inspectors, give passengers a guaranteed right to a refund, advance innovation and modernize our air travel infrastructure nationwide. With tonight’s overwhelming vote, we are one step closer to getting this bill onto the president’s desk.“

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For Administrator Michael Whitaker to be prudent as he heads the Federal Aviation Administration.
  • For Speaker Johnson and members of the House as they prepare to take up the legislation passed by the Senate.

Sources: VOA News,


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