Senator Believes Congress May Need Short-Term FAA Extension

Amendment requests have slowed reauthorization proceedings.

Senator John Thune of South Dakota stated that Congress may have to pass a short-term extension for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as reauthorization negotiations have become bogged down with amendment requests. The current deadline is next week.

“We’re heading to later in the week, next week, we’re going to be up against the deadline. And it seems unlikely that we’re going to have this transacted before we hit that deadline,” Senator Thune said. “There aren’t enough days right now, in my view, at least for us to be able to finish this.”

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate Commerce Committee Ranking Member Ted Cruz remain hopeful that the legislation will be resolved and passed before the deadline. The FAA reauthorization is the final major legislation the upper chamber is expected to address until the fall.

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For members of Congress who are negotiating the FAA reauthorization to be discerning regarding the terms and amendments to be included.
  • For Senate Majority Leader Schumer and Senator Cruz as they work to finalize the 5-year legislation.

Sources: Politico, Washington Examiner


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