Today, Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbel is in Paris, France, for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Ministerial Council Meeting (MCM).

The meeting, chaired by Japan, has a theme of “Co-creating the Flow of Change: Leading Global Discussions with Objective and Reliable Approaches Toward Sustainable and Inclusive Growth.”
State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said that Deputy Secretary Campbell will also “meet with French counterparts on support for Ukraine, the PRC’s support for Russia’s war against Ukraine, and an Indo-Pacific dialogue.“
As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…
- For Deputy Secretary Campbell to be led by the Lord as he discusses global growth with foreign ministers.
- For Secretary Blinken to seek God’s guidance as he heads the diplomatic efforts around the world.
- For the president and his foreign advisors to be prudent in the positions they choose on international matters and events.