Wednesday, February 28

Today, the Senate Judiciary Committee, chaired by Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois, is holding a hearing to examine and prevent the deaths of those in federal prisons and then will consider the staffing shortage of correctional officers.

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee, chaired by Senator Ben Cardin of Maryland, will hear testimony regarding Iran’s proxy network in the Middle East.

The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, chaired by Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, will examine the opportunities and challenges of developing geologic hydrogen in the U.S.

The Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, chaired by Senator Maria Cantwell of Washington, is holding a hearing to consider nominees for the Federal Maritime Commission.

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For the chairs of the committees to be prudent as they oversee their respective hearings.
  • For wisdom for senators in the committees who are considering the confirmation of appointees
  • For the president and his advisors as they decide which individuals to nominate for various government roles.

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