FCC Chair Proposes Policy to Support Local Journalism

Local radio and television stations would be given priority in the license renewal process.

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chair Jessica Roseworcel released a notice of proposed rulemaking this month, suggesting that radio and TV stations that invest in local programming should receive priority within the license renewal application process. The text of the proposal has not yet been released, but once it has been it will be opened for public comment.

“There’s something special about when you hear a local voice on the airwaves or see a familiar face on your television set in the evening,” Chair Rosenworcel stated. “Over time we’ve come to trust those voices and they provide an important service to these communities. We want to recognize that dedication when it comes time for license renewals and transactions, and this proposal does just that.” 

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For the FCC commissioner as she heads the commission and proposes updated regulations.
  • For members of commission as they debate and vote on measures that guide communication rules in the nation.

Sources: Radio World, Federal Communications Commission


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