Monday, October 23

President Joe Biden and his advisors are preparing an executive order on artificial intelligence.

Administration officials recognize the inherent risks involved with the technology and seek to guide federal departments and agencies in the use of AI.

White House Office of Science Technology and Policy Director Arati Prabhakar said of AI, “It’s not just the normal process accelerated — it’s just a completely different process.” 

White House Deputy National Cyber Director Chris DeRusha said, “We understand everybody’s really wanting to jump into the latest tools“ but that “some of these companies aren’t fully vetted yet, they are new entrants, and we have to ensure that you’re responsible for protecting federal data.” He added that the government has “to go full bore in learning how to use this technology because our adversaries will do that.”

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For wisdom for the president and administration officials as they craft federal guidance for artificial intelligence.
  • For members of Congress as they learn about AI technology and legislate its use.
  • For companies producing AI tools to provide and market them with integrity and transparency.

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