U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken led a large delegation of diplomats from the State Department to participate in meetings surrounding the United Nations General Assembly this week in New York City.

Secretary Blinken spoke before the U.S. Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment Investor Forum and also addressed the Advancing the Sustainability and Adaptability of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda Event.
He delivered remarks at the USAID Democracy Delivers Event as well as participating in the UN Security Council Ministerial Meeting on Ukraine. Secretary Blinken took part in the Advancing the 2030 Agenda Through Inclusive and Rights-Respecting Digital Policy Event and spoke at the Vision for Adapted Crops and Soils: Global Solutions for Food Security Event.
The secretary of state and his colleagues also met with foreign ministers including those from China, Iraq, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, and Kenya.
As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…
- For Secretary Blinken and the diplomatic corps in the State Department as they engage foreign ministers in dialogue.
- For wisdom for the secretary of state as he discusses mutual concerns with international leaders.
- For the president and his foreign policy advisors as they weigh continuing aid to Ukraine and other nations experiencing wars and conflict.