September 16th – Saturday

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds. – James 1:2

On this day in 1776, the Battle of Harlem Heights occurred during the American Revolutionary War in northern Manhattan. Under the command of General William Howe, British forces had occupied New York City, and the Continental Army, commanded by General George Washington, defended the area. General Howe launched an attack against the American forces, but the Continental Army engaged the British in a prolonged exchange of fire and pushed forward. After reinforcements arrived, the battle continued in the buckwheat field and surrounding woods until the British began to withdraw. The loss of Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Knowlton had a significant impact on the newly founded American reconnaissance operations. However, through the skirmishes, retreats, and subsequent counterattacks, the Continental Army was able to ultimately force British troops to withdraw from the area.

As the Lord leads, pray with us…

  • For Senators and Representatives who do not know Jesus as Savior to have their hearts drawn to Him.
  • For the Lord Almighty to work out His purposes in the United States.

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