Issue 610 – National Prayer Needs

Additional National Prayer Needs

Pray for our Military

In an effort to aid recruitment, the Defense Department is planning to allow potential recruits to use a calculator on entry exams which it says will not lower the way a recruit’s ability to serve is gauged. 

Pray for the military which is falling far short of recruitment goals in all services except the Marines. 


An analysis by the Institute for the Study of War said, “Ukrainian forces are currently conducting two operational efforts in southern Ukraine in western Zaporizhia Oblast and in the Donetsk-Zaporizhia Oblast border area, and Malyar did not indicate one effort as the main offensive direction.” 

Pray for those in positions of authority who are considering peaceful means to end the war in Ukraine.


The Taliban has reportedly killed hundreds of former Afghan military, security, and government officials, in the two years since the United States withdrew from Afghanistan. Thousands more have been tortured or are among those who have “disappeared.” 

Pray for the people of Afghanistan and for U.S. officials as they consider the many human rights abuses that have occurred and continue in Afghanistan under the Taliban. 


The CDC released preliminary data showing that suicides in the U.S. increased in 2022. The agency is funding 24 new suicide prevention programs and recommends asking questions, staying connected, and following up to support those struggling with their mental health.

Pray for officials implementing suicide prevention programs and for those who receive calls at the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.  


The foreign ministers of Israel and Libya met in Rome last week in an informal meeting hosted by Italy’s foreign minister, in what Israel called a diplomatic breakthrough since Libya has historically supported the Palestinians. However, the Libyan foreign minister was “dismissed” by the Libyan prime minister after the meeting and has fled to Turkey out of fear for her life. Protests have broken out in Tripoli, Libya, over the government meeting with Israeli officials. 

Pray for Libyan and Israeli leaders as they consider the future relationship of the two nations and as they deal with their respective protests.


Members of the United Auto Workers, 97 percent, voted to authorize a strike against the “Big Three“ automakers if negotiations are not resolved. The union demands a wage increase, restoration of pensions, reduction of hours, increased retirement benefits, and regular cost-of-living increases. 

Pray for Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su and officials who are trying to facilitate resolutions to labor disputes. 

Pray for Goodness in America

The U.S. Navy is expanding its Chaplain Corps, which also covers the Marines and Coast Guard. Rear Admiral Gregory Todd, the Navy’s Chief of Chaplains said, “The funny thing about being a chaplain is the most satisfying moments are in some of the most challenging times because you’re there to bring God into that situation.”

Pray for the men and women who serve America’s Armed Forces as chaplains. 

Pray for Needs Across the States

Because of a budget surplus, taxpayers in Minnesota are receiving income tax rebates of $260 for individuals and up to $31,300 for families of five. The rebates are a result of legislation signed by Governor Tim Walz in May. 

A new report out of Virginia shows that parochial schools with a biblical worldview have experienced an increase in enrollments since 2019. The controversy over gender ideology is fueling a decline in public school attendance.  

Pray for state tax agencies and school boards and the work they do in support of their communities. 

Pray for America’s Faith Community

“Where we finish is with discipleship, with self-denial. New Age is all about self-discovery. New life is about self-denial. We have traded the crucified life for the carnal life. We have just enough of the world that we don’t enjoy God, and we have just enough of God that we don’t enjoy the world. We’re the most miserable of all people. If you are going to experience all that Jesus has for you, you can only do that by giving 100% for Him.” – Pastor Vlad Savchuk, Hungary Generation Church, Washington, August 2023 

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