August 26th – Saturday

He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding. – Daniel 2:21

How often do you take time to simply consider the sovereignty and power of God? Meditating on the majesty of God can make one awestruck (Ezekiel 1). Today’s verse reminds you that it is God who controls the course of time and seasons. He has the ultimate authority to establish and remove rulers and those in positions of power. This is a beautiful reminder that wisdom and understanding come from the Lord, and He graciously imparts wisdom and knowledge to those who ask Him. You can rely on God for guidance and insight. As you renew your trust in Him today, let your heart fill with reverence and gratitude, knowing that God knows all and nothing comes as a surprise to Him. As you pray, intercede for all who govern. Ask God to give them understanding as they navigate through complex challenges and the wisdom to make sound judgments.

As the Lord leads, pray with us…

  • For those in positions of authority in this nation to recognize God’s sovereignty
  • For officials in the president’s administration to have reverence for the Lord and proceed with wisdom.

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