Issue 608 – National Prayer Needs

Additional National Prayer Needs

Pray for our Military

Two years after the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan and the bombing at the Kabul airport, the Gold Star families of fallen soldiers are seeking accountability and closure from President Biden’s administration. According to Representative Darrell Issa of California, many families have never received the personal belongings of their deceased family members. 

Pray for America’s Gold Star families and those who are seeking the personal effects of their lost loved ones. 


As concerns grow about Russian expansionism beyond Ukraine, the government of Poland will send an additional 2,000 troops to its border with Belarus. The Belarusian government has sent Middle Eastern and African immigrants to the Polish border, which Warsaw has termed “hybrid warfare.” 

Pray for international leaders as they take precautions against an expansion of the war in Ukraine beyond current borders. 


North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un has instructed his military to more thoroughly “gird” for war. He is establishing “offensive military countermeasures” to deter adversaries that, according to the state-run news agency, “are getting ever more undisguised in their reckless military confrontation” with the North. 

Pray for U.S. and allied military leaders as they assess the threats posed by North Korea. 


The Lancet Psychiatry, a scientific journal, found in a new study that by age 75, approximately half of the world’s population can be expected to develop one or more of 13 mental health disorders. The two most prevalent are alcohol use disorder and major depressive disorder. 

Pray for friends, family, and fellow Americans who are dealing with mental health issues. 


As part of the expanded agreement the U.S. is trying to forge between Israel and Saudi Arabia, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he wants a security agreement with the U.S. focused on deterring Iran. He desires a formal agreement, which would require Congressional approval. 

Pray for U.S. governing officials as they consider strengthening America’s relationship with the Israeli people and leaders. 


Americans’ credit card balances topped $1 trillion for the first time, as household debt continues to rise due to inflation. Credit card delinquencies are also at an 11-year high as interest rates increase. 

Pray for Americans who are falling behind while living paycheck-to-paycheck. 

Pray for Goodness in America

The “National Prayer in School Act” was introduced by Representative Matt Gaetz of Florida. The measure would allow students and staff to engage in prayer in school without the fear of any negative consequences. The legislation specifically enforces the June 2022 decision of the Supreme Court in favor of religious freedom. The court ruled in favor of a football coach who was fired by his school district for using his First Amendment right to pray after games. 

Pray for members of Congress as they prepare to vote on this bill that would advance religious freedom in American classrooms. 

Pray for Needs Across the States

The secretary of state of Oregon has disqualified ten state senators from election next term because they violated a rule that a legislator cannot have more than 10 unexcused absences during a legislative session. Earlier this year there was a legislative walkout—the longest in state history—that led to a backlog of hundreds of bills. 

The secretary of state of New Mexico has offered to settle a lawsuit involving disallowing a think tank access to voter information by paying a $22,000 settlement. State officials are working on more transparency in response to FOIA requests. 

Pray for secretaries of state and lieutenant governors across the states as they are generally the second in authority should something happen to the state governors. 

Pray for America’s Faith Community

“Jesus is coming! All indicators point to the fact that His return is imminent. While expectancy among people of faith worldwide is at a fever pitch, I wonder if you and I are actually prepared for that world-changing, history-altering, heart-stopping moment in time. Again and again, the Bible tells us that Jesus will come suddenly… quickly… like a thief in the night… and that His followers need to be prepared to meet Him at any moment.” – Rachel-Ruth Lotz Wright, August 2023 

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