Saturday, July 29

President Joe Biden has issued an executive order that begins the process of implementing reforms to the 1950 Uniform Code of Military Justice that were approved by Congress last year as part of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2022.

The president’s amendments move relevant decision-making authority from military commanders to independent and specialized military prosecutors for cases that involve serious crimes including sexual assault, child abuse, ethnic violence, and murder. 

A new Office of Special Trial Counsel is to be established by December 27, and the decisions rendered by that office will be independent of the chain of command.

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For the president and his staff as executive orders are deliberated and implemented.
  • For wisdom for Secretary Lloyd Austin as he oversees the Defense Department.
  • For members of Congress to be discerning as they pass legislation to guide the actions of the Executive Branch.

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