July 3rd – Monday

If our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence before God. – 1 John 3:21

Amid the conflict of the Civil War, the final day of battle at Gettysburg took place on this day in 1863. Seventy-five years later, on this same date, President Franklin D. Roosevelt dedicated the Eternal Light Peace Memorial to the memory of those who lost their life in the battle. The monument comprises a one-ton bronze urn atop a stone pedestal with a natural-gas flame. Since it was dedicated, the flame, which symbolizes the eternal hope of peace, was extinguished during the oil crisis of the mid-1970s and replaced with an electric light until the flame was restored by the Gettysburg Peace Celebration committee in 1988 for the monument’s 50th anniversary. During these current times of division, it is vital to remember that Jesus is your hope and peace. As you pray for peace for this nation and the world, reflect on the fact that lasting unity can only be found in the Savior.

As the Lord leads, pray with us…

  • For both houses of Congress as they establish and provide for the maintenance of national monuments.
  • For Director Chuck Sams and the officials in the National Park Service as they manage national monuments.

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