VA Transitions Employees Back to Federal Offices

Secretary McDonough cites productivity and strengthening in-person relations.

Officials in the Department of Veterans Affairs are seeking to bring some employees back into federal offices this fall to enhance efficiency and foster a sense of camaraderie in the workforce. The mandate has the potential to disrupt the remote work routines of many VA employees who have become accustomed to working from home.

However, the VA plans to implement this requirement in the Washington, D.C. region first, where employees will spend at least half of their time at the worksite. Plans for other regions to return to the office will be developed soon. VA Secretary Denis McDonough said the postponement until early fall allows employees sufficient time to make necessary arrangements for family care, elder care, or any other pressing needs.

Secretary McDonough stated, “I strongly believe that increasing in-person engagement will enhance problem-solving, spark even more creativity, and strengthen the connections that make us more productive and successful in our core mission to support veterans… In some cases, we’re going to defend [employees’] right to be able to continue to work in more flexible settings.” he said. “We’re looking at what are the attributes of a highly effective workforce.”

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For wisdom for Secretary McDonough as he heads the Department of Veterans Affairs.
  • For VA employees as they make adjustments to return to working in federal offices.

Sources: Department of Veterans Affairs, MilitaryTimes


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