April 11th – Tuesday

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. – Galatians 6:2

On April 11, 1803, French Foreign Minister Charles Maurice de Talleyrand made an offer to sell the Louisiana Territory to the United States. After several years of unsuccessful negotiations between the U.S. and France over control of New Orleans, the impending war between Great Britain and France drastically shifted the situation. Napoleon realized he could no longer spare the military resources necessary to control the Louisiana Territory. He opted to sell it to the U.S., rather than let it fall into British hands. The treaty for the purchase of the land for $11,250,000 was signed later that month. Napoleon reportedly said, “The sale assures forever the power of the United States.” His prediction about the power of the U.S. has held true through the years. Pray today for those in authority to maintain such strength with wisdom and discernment.

As the Lord leads, pray with us…

  • For the president and officials in his administration to serve in their roles with character and integrity.
  • For the secretary of state and U.S. diplomats to handle discussions with other nation’s leaders with prudence and tact.

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