Prayer does not fit us for the greater work, but prayer is the greater work.” Oswald Chambers
The Presidential Prayer Team
Office of the President
March 23, 2023
Your Will Be Done
Dear Prayer Warrior,
I get asked frequently about why the prayer team does not cover every news headline out there. And while there are always headlines that catch our eye and seem important, the biggest stories are often salacious, favoring one political agenda or tearing down a political opponent. Many of them are designed to manipulate us and create a sense of urgency while obfuscating real problems affecting the leaders of our country. Such “news” divides us and distracts us from the truth. Instead, the prayer team remains true to its calling, which is to inspire Americans to seek God’s will for our nation and its leaders.
We witness the same news as you, and personally, we are also concerned about the direction our nation appears to be moving. However, our answer will always be prayer. We are called to be sober-minded and watchful because our adversaries will use anything they can to take our eyes off the Lord (1 Peter 5:8). Our prayer needs to be focused and continual, not based on hot tantalizing headlines. So, while others are more driven toward numbers of clicks, followers, or teasing headlines, we are thankful for you and your steadfast response in praying alongside us.
Our Policy – Prayer Centered
We carefully weigh our presentation of information and prayer topics to exclude any political or partisan bias. Each prayer update, each email, each alert, and each letter are carefully chosen and written to keep your focus on God’s will. We endeavor to put aside personal opinions and the agendas of man so that we can better attune our hearts and our prayer to the will of our Father. We ask you to take similar considerations on what and how you pray. God supersedes any political party or agenda, and even any government—for these are all man-made. He sets up kings and deposes them (Daniel 2:21).
We are also careful to follow the mandate of Romans 12:2, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Another translation says, “Don’t let the world squeeze you into its mold.” Our responsibility—and yours—is to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, to serve the Lord and Him only, and to be in step with the Spirit, not with any individual here on the Earth.
And as you pray, also remember Jesus’ instructions to His disciples on how to pray. While God longs to hear your desires, your wants, and even your biases, He ultimately calls you to be aligned with the will of the Father, “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10).
Finally – Be Encouraged
GOD IS IN CONTROL. This has never changed. He has a plan, and God has placed you here in this time for His purpose. While we should not simply ignore everything around us, we must not allow ourselves to be swept up in the politics and distractions of the day, lest we become conformed to the world, and we cease being transformed or from discerning the will of God.
Prayer enables us to work in cooperation with our Heavenly Father, to keep our intimate communion with Him, while it builds within us compassion for those who are the subjects of our intercessions.
Always remember that God is with you. “I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20). So, we ask you to continue praying with us each and every day, “Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”
Thank you for your support and prayers.
Jim Bolthouse
P.S. Next time you see a big news story, remember that it is no surprise to God. You can take it to Him in prayer but allow the Holy Spirit to guide you as you seek God’s will. May you have peace and rest in knowing that God cannot be tricked by the tools of man. Seek Him and pray first. And He will bring light into the darkness.
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