Issue 554 – Verse of the Week

August 4th – August 10th, 2022


For I the Lord do not change.   Malachi 3:6


Most people will tell you that change, like death and taxes, is inevitable. Whether you expect it or not, it is part of life. Often it is pleasant, like watching a youngster turn into a thriving adult. But the same process of change can be painful as one watches an aging parent enter the last stage of their life. Without change, news journalists would have nothing on which to report. Not knowing what tomorrow may bring—what changes will happen—can generate fear and distress. But for the Christ-follower, there is a constant. The Lord does not change. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. You can rely on Him, His faithfulness to you, and His mercy toward you. An old praise chorus says, “Many things about tomorrow I don’t seem to understand; but I know Who holds the future, and I know He holds my hand.”  

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