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Ghost Drones Part of New Military Aid for Ukraine

Howitzers, tactical vehicles, and ammunition on their way. 

More than 120 Phoenix Ghost tactical unmanned aerial systems are on their way to Ukraine from the U.S. President Biden announced the $600 in additional military aid Thursday, bringing the total U.S. aid to Ukraine since the Russian invasion to roughly $3.4 billion.

According to the Pentagon, the U.S. will provide 121 of the drones, a newly developed drone that will require some training, in addition to 72 155-mm howitzers and 72 tactical vehicles to tow those weapons.  Included are 144,000 rounds of ammunition to go with the howitzers. 

Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said a small number of Ukrainians would be trained on the howitzers, and that has begun. “It has begun in the country outside Ukraine. I am not going to tell you, to be able to detail where this is happening, but it has happened. And we expect the training to last for about a week. And this is training the trainers. It’s a smallish number of Ukrainians, a little bit more than 50.” 

Training has not yet begun on the ghost drones. These drones are similar to switchblade ones, which the U.S. has already provided to Ukraine in previous military packages along with training. 

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For Pentagon leaders as they evaluate military needs around the world.
  • For Defense Secretary Austin as he oversees the deployment of U.S. military troops.
  • That the president would seek God’s guidance as he commits aid to Ukraine.

Sources: Washington Examiner, CNBC


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