At the White House today, President Joe Biden will hold a virtual meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India. According to White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, the focus of the meeting will be “to further deepen ties between our governments, economies, and our people.”

“President Biden and Prime Minister Modi will discuss cooperation on a range of issues including ending the COVID-19 pandemic, countering the climate crisis, strengthening the global economy, and upholding a free, open, rules-based international order to bolster security, democracy, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific,” the press secretary continued.
In addition to discussing ways to increase stability in the Indo-Pacific region, counter China’s aggressive behaviors on the borders of India and in the South China Sea, the president “will continue our close consultations on the consequences of Russia’s brutal war against Ukraine and mitigating its destabilizing impact on global food supply and commodity markets,” Sectary Psaki added.
As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…
- For God to be at work in the relationship between the U.S. and India.
- For wisdom for the president as he works with Prime Minister Modi on the many issues shared by both nations.
- For God to bring about a peaceful end to the conflict in Ukraine.