The Presidential Prayer Team
Office of the President
March 10, 2022
Quiet Your Soul Through Prayer
Dear Prayer Team Members,
Prayer is the most important action we can be taking for our country today. As America prepares to vote this midterm year, how will you be praying for the nation?
Whenever mentioned, politics seems to bring a dark cloud to any conversation. Politicians, the media, and the loudest voices online all tell you to pick a side. No matter how small the issue, they demand that you distance yourself from anyone who may think differently than you do. To fall in line, you must denounce the other side. Many have resigned themselves to thinking that this is just the way it is.
Yet God tells us, “Just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another” (John 13:34). In contrast to the world, God instructs us to seek out others with love and bridge those gaps. No greater divide existed than that of our Creator and us sinners. Christ our Savior overcame it and calls us to follow in His footsteps.
We are to love one another, as He first loved us. We don’t have to agree with everyone but, through Christ, we can put aside fear and hatred. While it is such a simple thing, the busyness of life and the constant noise from the world seek to drown this principle out. Wouldn’t life be simpler if we could take a deep breath, shut down the noise, and focus on intentionally loving those around us? Would we learn to love those we’ve never even met, including those who are in positions of leadership in our cities, states, and country? Would we see more of Jesus in others, and in ourselves?
Jesus would often step away and take time to pray. Through His example, we too can connect with God and understand His will for our lives: Spending time in the Bible and spending time in PRAYER.
Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Romans 12:12
As our nation prepares to vote, and as the noise around us increases, take time to unplug and let God quiet your soul through prayer. Through Pray the Vote 2022, The Presidential Prayer Team offers resources and insights to encourage and uplift you through this season and to cut through the noise to help refocus your eyes on Christ through prayer.
It is imperative that God’s people pray for our current and future leaders. To give you the tools you need, Pray the Vote 2022 will provide helpful voting resources for your state, including primary and midterm election dates and voter registration information and deadlines.
While the midterm elections in November may seem far away, important primaries are taking places in many states right now! Be sure to check your state’s registration deadlines at www.PraytheVote.org today.
Faithfully praying with you,
Jim Bolthouse
P.S. The Presidential Prayer Team is non-partisan, as it has been for over 20 years, and we will ask for prayer over all of our leaders. We will not promote certain candidates or parties. We believe that through the prayers of His people, God will continue to protect our country. We seek to give you the tools to bring you into God’s Word and to strengthen your prayer life.
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