Issue 520 – Verse of the Week

December 9th – December 15th, 2021


And behold, I am coming soon.   Revelation 22:7


Imagine yourself in a small English village when a message comes to your phone. It informs you that Queen Elizabeth will be coming to your house tomorrow. Or imagine that you are a lawyer who is too short to see over the crowds so you’ve climbed into a tree to see the teacher who is passing by. That teacher sees you and says, “Come down, for I’m coming to your house today” (John 19:5). How would you handle your anticipation of a royal visitor or an esteemed teacher? You must know that God has already made His dwelling place with you (Romans 8:9, 1 Corinthians 3:16). Let your Christmas anticipation be greater than the time of gift-giving and receiving, of family dinners, and carols sung on snowy sidewalks. Be aware of God’s presence with you, and prayerfully anticipate all that He is doing in this season and the next. 

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