Defense Secretary Backs Changes to Military Justice

Supports independent handling of sexual assault cases by military lawyers. 

On Tuesday, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin announced that he would support changes to the military justice system in cases of sexual assault. He said that he would send plans to President Biden to change the prosecution of sexual assault cases from the chain of command and allow independent military lawyers to handle them.

President Biden initially ordered the Independent Review Commission (IRC) on Sexual Assult in the Military to find solutions to the prevalent problem of sexual assault in the military. Secretary Austin said of the findings, “The IRC recommended the inclusion of other special victims’ crimes inside this independent prosecution system, to include domestic violence. I support this as well, given the strong correlation between these sorts of crimes and the prevalence of sexual assault.”

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • That Secretary Austin would seek God’s wisdom as he leads the nation’s military.
  • For the commander in chief as he assesses military concerns.
  • For healing and justice for military personnel who have endured sexual assault. 

Sources: CNN, AP, NPR


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