Today, President Joe Biden will be sharing information on the state of American employment and the economy. According to the White House, as the number of people who have received doses of the coronavirus shot increases, the nation will continue to open up. The hospitality sector is already starting to experience sparks of revival as families begin to travel again.

Between the increase in employment numbers and the third round of stimulus payments, restaurants and retailers have seen an increase in revenues as well.
As part of the president’s American Jobs Plan, which he hopes will further boost economic recovery, the White House said “it will invest in Americans and deliver the jobs and opportunities they deserve. … The plan targets 40 percent of the benefits of climate and clean infrastructure investments to disadvantaged communities. And, the plan invests in rural communities and communities impacted by the market-based transition to clean energy.”
The proposed plan also details the president’s concern that “Half the jobs in our high growth, high wage sectors are concentrated in just 41 counties, locking millions of Americans out of a shot at a middle-class job. President Biden believes that, even in the face of automation and globalization, America can and must retain well-paid union jobs and create more of them all across the country.”
As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…
- For discernment for the president and his administration as the infrastructure package is promoted.
- For members of Congress as they seek to find compromises to the high cost of the president’s jobs plan.
- For God to accomplish His will in the nation and through its people.