Day 76 – God of Redemption

Day 76 – God of Redemption

Heavenly Father, thank You for making us in Your image and for calling us to walk within Your purposes. Thank You for giving us governing authorities by which You accomplish Your will on earth and to keep law, peace, and order. Yet, because of sin, we often find ourselves in violation of both Your laws and the laws of the land. Thank You for saving us while we were in sin, for restoring us, for redeeming us, and for forgiving us. Today, we pray for the Federal Bureau of Prisons as they are charged with the management and regulation of federal penal and correctional institutions. Help the men and women who oversee these prisons to be efficient and to maintain security for themselves and for the prisoners. Help them with programs that assist offenders in becoming law-abiding citizens capable of employment when they are released. We pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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