Day 7 – God is Just

Day 7 – God is Just Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for being just. Your justice and mercy are evident in how You have been at work in…

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Father Knows Best

And He cannot fail.

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President Seeks to Clarify “Buy American”

Federal agencies directed to “buy from all of America.” On Monday, President Biden signed a new executive order designed to close loopholes in the federal government’s “Buy American”…

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Supreme Court Dismisses Emoluments Lawsuits

Case deemed moot since President Trump no longer in office. The Supreme Court announced on Monday that the various lawsuits and appeals surrounding former President Trump’s alleged emoluments…

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Janet Yellen Confirmed as Treasury Secretary

Brings previous experience from Federal Reserve and Economic Council. On Monday evening, the Senate voted to confirm Janet Yellen as the nation’s first woman to serve as Treasury…

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Scott Berrier, Defense Intelligence Agency

Scott Berrier is Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. He oversees the agency providing defense and military intelligence to our nation’s leadership. We pray that God will guide…

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NORAD Runs Operation NOBLE DEFENDER Exercise

Training takes place in Alaska with Air National Guard. The 176th Wing of the Alaska Air National Guard recently participated in Operation NOBLE DEFENDER exercises for search-and-rescue and…

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Education Department Extends Student Loan Relief

President requests payment suspension through September 2021. The Department of Education has extended the moratorium on student loan payments through the early fall of 2021. The previous student…

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Tuesday, January 26

As the administration awaits the U.S. Senate confirmation vote today on Antony Blinken as nominee for Secretary of State in President Joe Biden’s Cabinet, White House Press Secretary…

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Day 6 – Our Confidence in God

Day 6 – Our Confidence in God Dear Lord, we have confidence in You that You hold the heart of the nation’s leaders in Your hand. Therefore, we…

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