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First Lady Visiting Children’s Hospitals for Holiday Season

Traditional duty of first lady continues during pandemic.

The Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C., has been hosting first ladies every holiday season since the Truman administration. The annual holiday program was tweaked slightly to accommodate for the coronavirus pandemic, but that did not stop Melania Trump from making her fourth visit to the hospital. 

“Wonderful to be here,” the first lady said. “This is one of my favorite events during the holiday season.” Dr. Kurt Newman, the CEO of the hospital, expressed his gratitude for the continued tradition as the first lady read a children’s book out loud in the hospital atrium for the many patients who cannot be home for the holidays.

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • That the first lady’s efforts would be a comfort to the children’s hospital patients.
  • That God would protect the Children’s National Hospital this holiday season.
  • For American front line health care workers as they continue to weather the pandemic.

Sources: AP, Fox News


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