The Presidential Prayer Team
Office of the President
December 3, 2020
Closing In
Dear Members,
Most of us have had a least one moment this year when we wished 2020 was over. There’s no need to list everything that has happened this year, but I’m reminded of a story edited long ago by Edgar Allen Poe called “A New York Ghost.” The writer spoke of being in a cave and he said he “felt the side walls closing in upon me.” Individually, we have had our own personal challenges and unique experiences. Collectively we have been dealing with isolation, illness, economic stress, politics, and so much more. We have all been affected this year and we may feel the walls closing in around us.
But our God breaks down walls! You only need to remember Jericho to witness literal walls coming down. Through the Holy Spirit, He has given you strength for modern day wall destruction too. That level of strength is only acquired through time with God, both in His Word and in prayer. As you grow with God, you are better prepared to trust that He might not answer us in our time, but He will work His will in His own time and to His glory.
“We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God and take every thought captive to obey Christ.”
2 Corinthians 10:5
Speaking of which, I wanted to share with you a bright spot from this year. Starting from the 2020 National Day of Prayer through today, your prayer team has welcomed thousands and thousands of new and returning faithful prayer warriors! It is God answering prayers through you—as you speak and share the mission of your prayer team with your friends and family. Thank you!
I earnestly hope to see more of this over the coming months and years, and for more people to put God first in their lives through prayer and supplication. This can only be accomplished with your prayers and financial support of the ministry. Since 2001 we have been fully member supported and throughout the entire month of December, any size gift that you make will be doubled with a dollar-for-dollar match. We know that this year has been difficult, but if God has blessed you, prayerfully consider that he has placed you in a position to continue His work here. You can double your gift now.
We must never doubt that God always has our ultimate good in mind. GOD IS FOR YOU! He is present and He is working His plan. We continue to urge you “first of all” to pray for those in authority and for the nation. We are right beside you!
Faithfully praying with you, may God bless you,
Jim Bolthouse
P.S. Be sure to add your prayer or holiday greeting for the First Family in our Annual First Family Christmas Greeting.

Dollar-for-dollar match on all gifts right now. Double your impact as we reach more of America for prayer.
Thank you for your generosity!
2021 Calendar

Full-color 2021 Wall Calendar on premium stock paper. Be inspired toward prayer as you look upon the majesty of our land through 12 months of national parks.
Request yours today!
Continued Prayer Over Election Process
The Presidential Prayer Team remains firmly committed to prayer and the biblical values upon which this great nation was founded. We are continuing our daily prayer over the 2020 election through December 14, 2020, at such time when the Electoral College cast their votes to officially determine the president-elect.
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