Do You Dare?

Psalm 139:23 – Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts!

There is no relationship more personal, more intimate, than the relationship you have with God.  Through the mountain peaks and the valleys of your life, from your first spark of conception to the time when you will draw your final breath, He has been with you.

All of Psalm 139 speaks of that relationship, and the many ways that God knows you personally. There is the reassurance of His presence and His power in your life. He reminds you of some of His great characteristics, and invites you into an even deeper relationship with Him.

“Search me.”  That is an incredible invitation for God to ultimately reveal to you the deepest secrets and longings of your life. He already knows all the nooks and crannies of you…even though you may have tried to hide them from the Lord at times. “Try my thoughts.” Are your thoughts under His control? Will they be in step with His values? “Know my heart.”  Is your heart tied to the heart of God? Do you long for what He longs for? Do you cry for the souls of others as He does?  Do you dare ask Him…the marvelous Creator of the universe…to look that deeply into your life and reveal what He finds there? Do you?

Pray With Us

Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! Reveal to me the areas of my life where I fall short of Your precious standards. I desire only to be a shining light for You an Your Kingdom. You are a good and loving God, always merciful and kind. Thank You for dealing with me in Your gentle way as we strip away what doesn’t belong, and You make me into the vessel You want me to be.  I bless You in the Name of Jesus


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