Endless Frontier Act Seeks to Compete with China

Funds focus on U.S. scientific research, education, and technology.

Bipartisan legislation has been introduced in Congress to increase U.S. innovation in the high-tech industry. The Endless Frontier Act would authorize $100 billion for an overhaul of the National Science Foundation with new funding for research and development over the course of five years. 

Funding for research and development has steadily declined in recent decades and the proposed funding would include the fields of artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and cutting-edge engineering. The interest in the legislation from both houses of Congress indicates the unified aim of countering China’s dominance in robotics, aviation, and information technology.

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For the House of Representatives as they formulate the R&D bill.
  • For the Senate as they work with the House on legislation to increase U.S. tech capabilities.
  • For the president’s administration to work with Congress on the most beneficial plan for America’s technological future.

Sources:  The Hill, Forbes


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