President Donald Trump continues to work on the reopening of the country. On Tuesday, the president issued a Memorandum on Governors’ Use of the National Guard to Respond to COVID-19 and to Facilitate Economic Recovery.
The National Guard has been supporting the efforts of the states and territories to care for those who are infected during the pandemic. The president’s memorandum will extend the assistance of the National Guard through August 21, 2020. This support will focus especially on the vulnerable populations, including nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other long-term care settings. The National Guard will also provide help with economic recovery where appropriate.
In addition to the 45,000 National Guard troops that have been activated due to the pandemic, an additional 17,000 Guard members have been deployed to support state governors in addressing the civil unrest that has occurred over the past week. National Guard leaders state that the troops’ mission is protective, serving in a support role, and that they have not yet had to use force or defensive equipment. The troops are largely shielding hospitals and government buildings, while law enforcement tends to the front-line.
“We’re here to help and assist local authorities,” said Air Force Gen. Joseph Lengyel, chief of the National Guard Bureau. “Our troops are trained to protect life, preserve property and ensure people’s right to peacefully demonstrate.”
As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…
- For President Trump as he works to care for the pressing needs of the nation.
- For wisdom for the president as he considers the challenges of the pandemic, the economy, and racial tensions.
- For General Lengyel and the National Guard as they provide support in these challenging times.