As various states around the nation prepare for a multi-phased reopening, President Donald Trump and state governors will take part in a video teleconference to discuss the ongoing COVID-19 response and treatment, economic revival, federal guidelines and assistance, and other recovery needs. Both the president and state leaders are looking for ways to begin reopening the economy while also keeping Americans safe and reducing the risk of a second wave of the outbreak. White House officials say that, maintaining social distancing, washing hands, and practicing good hygiene is still critical during this time.
Following the meeting with state governors, the president is also going to meet with leaders from various industries to review their ongoing efforts, as well as plans for revitalizing the economy as part of the national recovery effort. Companies from nearly every industry have been impacted in one way or another and many expect that a return to normal operations will take some time.
As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…
- For God to lead and direct the president and governors on their call as they discuss the next steps for the nation.
- For guidance for President Trump and industry leaders as they meet today.
- For healing and recovery for all who are sick and for protection for all who work in the medical industry caring for the ill.