Fill Me Up, Lord

Exodus 31:3  – “I have filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and all kinds of craftsmanship.”

Have you sensed the emptiness in your community, among your neighbors and friends, those with whom you are in contact on social media? People are looking for something, anything, and generally, they don’t’ know what it is. They are lost, depressed, unfulfilled and anxious. Perhaps that even describes you.

You know the answer is found in God alone, who longs to fill you with hope and joy regardless of your circumstances.  He did that with a man sent to Moses as one of the artisans to craft the Ark of the Covenant and other furnishings for the Tabernacle. He filled him with the Spirit of Himself.  That kind of filling leaves no room for anxiety, depression, or loneliness. It is the same filling that is available to you today.

This is not a time for emptiness or even for a glass half full. The complete measure of God’s grace has been extended to you. Use that wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and talent to serve Him today, and be filled with joy!

Pray With Us

Heavenly Father, forgive me for looking at my life and my situation right now as though I am incomplete. Self-isolation has me down, I confess, but You, God, have given me Your Holy Spirit to destroy the strongholds that might be set up against me, even in my own mind.  Reveal to me how I can use what You have given to serve others today. Give me the courage to follow You in the steps where Your Spirit leads. Let whatever I do be done for Your glory alone, Father. In Jesus Name,


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