Global Peacekeeping through Strength and Strategy

Pray for our Military and Veterans
Sustaining foreign policy through military defense in a changing world.

PRAY FIRST for the leadership, strategy, and actions of our national defense and that God would grant them wisdom and guidance as they make critical decisions regarding the safety and protection nationally and internationally. 

Turn away from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it. – Psalm 34:14 

The U.S. National Defense is a cornerstone of American foreign policy, focusing on both protecting the homeland and maintaining peace and security worldwide. At its core, national defense ensures the safety of U.S. citizens, defends the nation’s sovereignty, and supports allies across the globe. The U.S., through its national defense policies, plays a prominent role in global stability—balancing geopolitical power and often acting as a protector of international peace. 

What National Defense Entails 

The national defense system is a comprehensive network of military and civilian agencies that work together to prevent threats and respond to emergencies. This includes all branches of the armed forces—Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Space Force, and Coast Guard—alongside intelligence agencies such as the CIA and NSA. The U.S. also maintains a robust system of defense contractors and private sector collaborations that develop technology and weaponry to ensure defense capability. 

The U.S. spends a significant portion of its federal budget on national defense. In 2024, the Department of Defense budget was set at approximately $842 billion. This massive budget is funded through federal taxes and congressional appropriations. Military spending comprises one of the largest portions of the discretionary federal budget—demonstrating its importance to national policy. Defense funding covers a wide range of expenses, including personnel salaries, weapons systems, technological development, intelligence, and ongoing operations abroad. 

The U.S. military maintains a presence in over 70 countries worldwide. Key regions include Europe, where the U.S. has bases in Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom; the Middle East, with troops stationed in Iraq, Kuwait, and Bahrain; and the Asia-Pacific, where U.S. forces are present in Japan and South Korea. These international deployments serve various purposes, including deterrence against aggression, support for allies, and rapid response capabilities in global hotspots. 

The U.S. has often been referred to as the “world’s police force,” a role stemming from its involvement in international conflicts and peacekeeping missions. This role began post-World War II, as the U.S. took on responsibilities within NATO and other international alliances. The U.S. enforces global peace through military interventions, such as in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as through diplomacy, sanctions, and humanitarian aid. However, this role has sparked debates, with proponents viewing it as necessary to maintain global stability and opposers criticizing it as overreach or interventionism. 

The Role of the President in National Defense 

Each U.S. president bears significant responsibility in shaping national defense policy—overseeing defense spending, military strategy, international alliances, and responses to both domestic and foreign threats. With increasing geopolitical tensions—such as with China, Russia, and conflicts in the Middle East—the next administration will have to balance maintaining military readiness with addressing new challenges like cyber warfare and terrorism. The president’s approach to defense can influence global stability, economic trade, and America’s standing in the world. 

Protection vs Overreach 

Without a strong national defense, the U.S. would be vulnerable to both external threats and internal unrest. Internationally, global power balances could shift, potentially leading to aggression from adversaries or the collapse of diplomatic alliances. Domestically, the absence of national defense could result in economic destabilization, higher risks of terrorism, and civil unrest. The absence of U.S. military presence globally would also leave many nations without the stabilizing force they currently rely on, potentially leading to increased regional conflicts. 

There have been instances where U.S. national defense policies were criticized for overstepping boundaries. Examples include the invasion of Iraq in 2003 and the ongoing debate over U.S. drone strikes in the Middle East. To prevent such overreach, the U.S. has legal safeguards in place. The War Powers Act of 1973 is one such law, limiting the president’s ability to engage U.S. forces in combat without congressional approval. Additionally, the National Security Act ensures checks and balances within the intelligence community, preventing unlawful surveillance and ensuring accountability. 

Pray the Vote 2024 – Candidate and Party Positions 

As the election nears, the presidential candidates have expressed their views on how to address the concerns in the United States regarding national defense. Here are their platforms.

SPECIAL NOTE: The full platform for each party can be found on their respective websites. The following excerpts are unedited. Reader discretion is encouraged as these are political statements and have not been checked for accuracy. The Presidential Prayer Team is non-partisan and does not support or endorse any of the following statements.


Democrats believe our military is—and must be—the most effective fighting force in the world. To keep it that way, we need to bring our forever wars to a responsible end, rationalize our defense budget, invest in the forces and technologies of the future, repair civil-military relations, and strengthen our covenant with service members, veterans, and military families.

Ending Forever Wars
Democrats know it’s time to bring nearly two decades of unceasing conflict to an end. Our military engagements, which have spanned from West Africa to Southeast Asia, have cost more than $5 trillion and claimed more than half a million lives. Our war in Afghanistan is the longest war in American history, with the youngest U.S. troops now fighting a war that was launched 75 before they were even born. President Trump said he would get the United States out of these wars, but instead he deployed more combat forces, expanded their missions, and stoked regional tensions that unnecessarily endangered American lives and interests.

Democrats will deliver on this overdue commitment to end the forever wars, and we will do it responsibly—setting priorities, leading with diplomacy, protecting ourselves from terrorist threats, enabling local partners, and bringing our troops home.

Democrats are committed to a durable and inclusive political settlement in Afghanistan that ensures that al-Qaeda isn’t allowed to reconstitute, the Islamic State (ISIS) isn’t allowed to grow, and the international community can help Afghans safeguard hard-fought gains, especially for women and girls.

Democrats will end support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen and help bring the war to an end. This war is responsible for the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, and it amplifies threats to the region and to our interests.

Democrats believe that the United States should support diplomatic efforts—not block them. Democrats will not only end the wars that have cost so much American blood and treasure—we will apply their lessons. We will only use force when necessary to protect national security and when the objective is clear and achievable—with the informed consent of the American people, and where warranted, the approval of Congress. That is why we will work with Congress to repeal decades-old authorizations for the use of military force and replace them with a narrow and specific framework that will ensure we can protect Americans from terrorist threats while ending the forever wars.

Rather than occupy countries and overthrow regimes to prevent terrorist attacks, Democrats will prioritize more effective and less costly diplomatic, intelligence, and law enforcement tools. We will right-size our counterterrorism footprint, put it in service of broader regional and overarching foreign policy objectives, and ensure it never undermines the values we seek to uphold. And we will mobilize our partners to make sustained investments that can prevent conflict and help extinguish the flames on which extremists feed.

Securing our Competitive Edge
Democrats believe the United States military should be the best-trained, best-equipped, and most effective fighting force in the world. Ending the forever wars, reducing the enormous stress on our forces, and rationalizing our global military footprint are essential prerequisites to securing our competitive edge—but they’re not enough.

We will invest in technology and forces that meet the threats of the future—from cyber to space, and artificial intelligence to unmanned systems—and reinforce the alliances and partnerships that enhance our collective security. Rather than continuing to rely on legacy platforms that are increasingly exposed and vulnerable, Democrats support funding a more cost-effective, agile, flexible, and resilient force with modern transportation and logistics capabilities that can operate 76 in more contested environments. Democrats will accelerate defense transformation in a responsible, ethical way, and with strong privacy protections. And we believe the implications of climate change for national security and the Department of Defense can no longer be an afterthought, but must be at the core of all policy and operational plans to secure our vital interests.

Defense Spending
Democrats believe the measure of our security is not how much we spend on defense, but how we spend our defense dollars and in what proportion to other tools in our foreign policy toolbox and other urgent domestic investments. We believe we can and must ensure our security while restoring stability, predictability, and fiscal discipline in defense spending. We spend 13 times more on the military than we do on diplomacy. We spend five times more in Afghanistan each year than we do on global public health and preventing the next pandemic. We can maintain a strong defense and protect our safety and security for less. It’s past time to rebalance our investments, improve the efficiency and competitiveness of our defense industrial base, conduct rigorous annual audits of the Pentagon, and end waste and fraud.


Keeping the American People safe requires a strong America. The Biden administration’s weak Foreign Policy has made us less safe and a laughingstock all over the World. The Republican Plan is to return Peace through Strength, rebuilding our Military and Alliances, countering China, defeating terrorism, building an Iron Dome Missile Defense Shield, promoting American Values, securing our Homeland and Borders, and reviving our Defense Industrial Base. We will build a Military bigger, better, and stronger than ever before. Our full commitment is to protecting America and ensuring a safe and prosperous future for all.

1. The National Interest
Republicans will promote a Foreign Policy centered on the most essential American Interests, starting with protecting the American Homeland, our People, our Borders, our Great American Flag, and our Rights under God.

2. Modernize the Military
Republicans will ensure our Military is the most modern, lethal and powerful Force in the World. We will invest in cutting edge research and advanced technologies, including an Iron Dome Missile Defense Shield, support our Troops with higher pay, and get woke Leftwing Democrats fired as soon as possible.

3. Strengthen Alliances
Republicans will strengthen Alliances by ensuring that our Allies must meet their obligations to invest in our Common Defense and by restoring Peace to Europe. We will stand with Israel, and seek peace in the Middle East. We will rebuild our Alliance Network in the Region to ensure a future of Peace, Stability, and Prosperity. Likewise, we will champion Strong, Sovereign, and Independent Nations in the Indo-Pacific, thriving in Peace and Commerce with others.

4. Strengthen Economic, Military, and Diplomatic Capabilities
Republicans will strengthen Economic, Military, and Diplomatic capabilities to protect the American way of life from the malign influences of Countries that stand against us around the World.

5. Defend America’s Borders
Against all odds, President Trump has completed Hundreds of Miles of Wall, and he will quickly finish the job. Republicans will mobilize Military personnel and assets as necessary to crack down hard on the cartels that traffic drugs and people into our Country.

6. Revive our Industrial Base
Our Industrial Base is critical to ensuring good jobs for our people but also the reliable production of vital Defense platforms and supplies. Our Policy must be to revive our Industrial Base, with priority on Defense-critical industries. Equipment and parts critical to American Security must be MADE IN THE USA.

7. Protect Critical Infrastructure
Republicans will use all tools of National Power to protect our Nation’s Critical Infrastructure and Industrial Base from malicious cyber actors. This will be a National Priority, and we will both raise the Security Standards for our Critical Systems and Networks and defend them against bad actors.

Why It Matters and How We Can Respond

The national defense should matter to us because it aligns with the biblical principles of justice, peace, and protection. Scripture teaches us to value human life and protect the vulnerable, and a strong national defense plays a role in protecting our nation and allies from harm. Furthermore, Christians are called to pray for leaders and authorities (1 Timothy 2:1-2), asking for wisdom, integrity, and peace. We can also advocate for ethical and moral practices in defense policies, ensuring that military actions align with values of justice and stewardship. 

We are called to set an example by promoting peace, supporting justice, and caring for those affected by conflict. By actively engaging in prayer, advocacy, and support for both military personnel and diplomatic efforts, we can demonstrate Christ’s love in action. This includes praying for peace, comforting the families of those who serve, and promoting policies that prioritize peace over conflict whenever possible. 


— Pray for protection and strength over all those who serve in our national defense, both at home and abroad and that they serve with integrity and compassion—striving to be instruments of peace wherever they are deployed. The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. Psalm 18:2
— Pray for the leaders who make decisions about national defense to have godly wisdom in making just and peaceful choices—always prioritizing the value of human life. But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. James 3:17 


  • Pray for unity among nations and peace in the face of global tension. 
  • Pray for the families of those who serve in national defense to have support and strength. 
  • Pray for those who are most vulnerable during times of conflict, especially civilians in war-torn regions. 
  • Pray for the safety and well-being of the men and women who serve at home and abroad, protecting our freedoms and nation.

Sources: U.S. Department of Defense, Congressional Budget Office, U.S. Department of State,, 


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