Issue 663 – National Prayer Needs

Additional National Prayer Needs

Pray for America’s Military

Two U.S. Marines were attacked by members of an anti-American group in Turkey this week. Members of the Turkish Youth Group, who assaulted the Marines, cited U.S. support for Israel in its war with Hamas in Gaza. The U.S. embassy reported that the Marines were “safe” and expressed gratitude to Turkish authorities for a “rapid response and ongoing investigation.”

Pray for Pentagon and Naval officials to be led by the Lord in their military craft deployment decisions.


The day after Russian missiles killed over 50 people and injured more than 200 in Poltava, and despite an International Criminal Court (ICC) warrant for illegally deporting hundreds of children from Ukraine, President Vladimir Putin was welcomed by Mongolia for a state visit. The ICC warrant purportedly obligates all member states, including Mongolia, to arrest the Russian president within their jurisdictions for trial at the Hague.

For U.S. and international leaders as they assess the authority, reach, and efficacy of international governing bodies.


President Joe Biden’s administration continues to seek a hostage deal and ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, particularly after an American citizen was one of six hostages found dead in a Gaza tunnel. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he would not compromise on the Philadelphi Corridor and pledged to maintain control of the area between Egypt and Gaza.

Pray for U.S. and Middle Eastern leaders as they seek to accomplish a ceasefire.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released an update on the Listeria outbreak related to lunch meats from deli counters. Nine deaths have been reported since the outbreak began, with 57 total people hospitalized in 18 states to date.

Pray for U.S. health officials as they assess the safety of drinking water and the impact of fluoride and other chemicals on public health.

Pray for Needs Across the States

The South Dakota Supreme Court denied a request to exclude 132 absentee ballots that were accepted in June by a recount board after initially being rejected. The challenged ballots came from two precincts and were alleged to have issues related to the voters’ addresses.

The Florida attorney general has sued President Biden’s administration in federal district court for refusing to comply with a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request regarding the release of criminal illegal aliens into the United States.

Pray for state governors, legislators, and judges to seek God’s direction as they make decisions regarding election law and voting rights.

Pray for America’s Faith Community

In the fifteenth century, the Spanish empire developed a motto. That motto was Ne Plus Ultra. Means simply ‘no more beyond.‘ The kings and queens of Spain believed that their empire had spread over the world and there were no more worlds to conquer. They believed that their empire was so large that there was no more beyond. It was in 1492 that King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella helped to finance the voyages of an explorer by the name of Christopher Columbus… and Columbus dispelled that myth as he traveled around the world and he discovered the New World. He showed that that motto, ‘Ne Plus Ultra,‘ that there was no more beyond, was totally false and a simply myth.
As I thought about that motto… I thought about how that applies to many people’s Christian lives. They have the idea that there is ‘no more beyond.‘ They’ve stuck in a rut. Their spiritual lives stagnate. They have stopped growing. They live within the circle of their own narrow thoughts. They are locked in a no-growth pattern. And if you ask them what their motto is, their motto is that there is no more beyond, ‘I mean, I’ve studied everything there is to study. I know everything there is to know.‘ They’re kind of at this plateau of their Christian experience. They live as if there is nothing more beyond, that they’re content with what they’ve experienced. …
Beyond the horizon, there’s something more! You may just see these shoreless seas, but beyond the horizon, there is something more. … Let your faith be stretched. Believe that God has something more for you. Trust that there’s a deeper, richer experience than you currently have. Believe that God is going to lead you into the heights of glory, that He’s going to lead you beyond the fog of spirituality where you are into something deeper, broader, and greater.“ – Pastor Mark Finley, HopeLives365, September 2024

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